Cost implants - Berlin MITTE

We want to create transparency for you …

With the choice for implants, you will make a decision for high-quality, durable and aesthetic artificial teeth. It is at the same time a bigger decision and a question of trust in your dentist and implantologist: Confidence in his experience, precision and competence, but also trusting in a reasonable calculation of the cost of the dental implants. At the dental surgery Professor Olze, you can rely on both: many years of implantological experience with an extensive range of implantology services on offer and fair, transparent costs for dental implants in Berlin.

What do dental implants cost?

This question concerns many of our patients who choose implants to replace lost teeth. Unfortunately, no general answer or even a flat rate can be given in this regard. The installation of a dental implant is always subject to individual circumstances, and just like any other treatment, it is also individually tailored to the specific treatment case. The costs for a dental implant are just as varied. The individual total costs only arise after intensive diagnostics, the scope of which results from the individual mouth characteristics and the desired treatment goal. Necessary preliminary treatments, such as bone augmentation, which in certain cases must be performed to create a stable base for the dental implants, determine the final price as well as the specific choice of implants and the type of tooth replacement desired. Thus, the total cost also depends on whether – at the end of the prosthetic treatment – implant-supported single crowns, or fixed or removable bridges are incorporated.

Individual treatment and cost plan

The kind of services that are required for an implant treatment is something that we would like to discuss with you in depth and personally after a detailed preliminary examination. In the course of this consultation, you will then also receive a treatment and cost plan from us, which clearly summarizes in writing all details and costs of your dental implants and their prosthetic care.

Standard care of the statutory health insurance providers

Despite many advantages, dental implants are not part of the standard care of the statutory health insurance providers. However, the health insurance providers always provide a fixed subsidy when providing dental prostheses on implants – you have to bear additional costs for dental implants yourself as a patient of a statutory health insurance provider. The timely taking out of additional dental insurance can therefore be helpful. In the case of private health insurance, your individual insurance tariff will always decide whether and to what extent your insurer covers the costs of dental implants.

Do you wish to have further information about the costs of dental implants? Make your appointment now at the dental surgery Berlin MITTE!