Aftercare implants - Berlin MITTE

Beautiful teeth for a lifetime – prevent peri-implantitis

In addition to natural aesthetics and high functionality, years of reliable firm seat is another big advantage of dentures on implants. With dental implants, you choose a high-quality and long-lasting tooth replacement. Like your natural teeth, your implants require regular care and prophylaxis so that you can enjoy the implants for as long as possible. The protection for your dental implants with professional aftercare begins shortly after the implant placement at the dental practice Berlin MITTE.

Controlled aftercare for your implants

After inserting your implants, usually only a single treatment is required for the first follow-up. The practitioner monitors the progress of the healing process. After the covered healing in of the implants, which happens in the vast majority of cases, the stitches are also removed; the region around the site of the operation is cleaned professionally. The implants must now heal in. Until the teeth are uncovered and finally undergo prosthetic restoration, you will usually wear fixed, non-removable aesthetic long-term temporaries that will allow you to fully participate in life without restrictions.

Whether at work or at private parties and meals, you can always smile, talk and eat largely as normal. In certain cases, immediately after implantation, you will receive your final fixed denture in the form of single crowns or fixed or removable bridges. Of course, our team will be happy to assist you with tips and assistance regarding the care of your implants and the integrated dentures.

Care and prophylaxis for dental implants

With a thorough home-based oral hygiene – brushing your teeth and cleaning the interstices with dental floss, an interdental brush or irrigator you already make a major contribution to the protection of your implants. You will receive support with professional prophylaxis from the team of dentist Professor Olze. This includes a regular check of the resilience and smooth functionality of implant or dentures, but prophylaxis also includes thorough professional teeth cleaning of all those areas that you cannot reach or only inadequately so, even with attentive care at home. This professional dental cleaning, performed at least twice a year, offers you and your implants maximum protection against inflammatory disease of the bone surrounding the implant (peri-implantitis).

What is peri-implantitis?

Peri-implantitis is similar to periodontal disease in natural teeth. It arises from plaque on implants and implant-supported restorations, which is deposited here regularly. There, bacteria settle, whose aggressive metabolites can initially trigger inflammation of the gums surrounding the implant. As the inflammation progresses, the bone in which the implant is anchored can ultimately be affected. A bone degradation can be the result, in the worst-case scenario, peri-implantitis culminates in the loss of the affected implant.

Protect your implants with follow-ups and regular prophylaxis and make your appointment now at the dental surgery Berlin MITTE!